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Oh My Stars!
Canning Day Quilt

By all these lovely tokens…

Is there any better month than September?

The heat of late summer always makes me feel listless.  Then September comes and I feel like I’m waking up after a long nap.

September is a busy month, full of new school routines, soccer games, yard work, and canning.  But all of it gives, rather than drains me of energy.

Yesterday I canned tomatoes from my garden.

Today my list stretches out before me…. catching up on my Bees Knees blocks, making bread, deep cleaning with the steam cleaner I borrowed from my mom, and picking up fall raspberries to make jam.

If things go like they’ve gone lately, I’ll probably end up moving something or more over to tomorrow’s list.

By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.
-Helen Hunt Jackson

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One Response to “By all these lovely tokens…”

  • Your efforts are BEAUTIFUL! I wish I had the energy to can, I did in former days. The quilt blocks look great! My cousin and I are working on that very same block(s).

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