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Canning Day Quilt

1940’s Prints

Several years ago, when my husband’s Grandmother Eva passed away, my father-in-law invited us all to her home to choose keepsakes from among her belongings.  I chose items some of the family thought were not worth keeping.  Actually a few of them might have thought I was crazy,  but I love them.  I have her old wash basins, her sewing machine and the collection of small prints you see here.  As I have been cleaning out shelves and drawers I came across them today.

I’ve thought about framing them or doing something even more clever.  But so far, inspiration has eluded me.  I do keep one out on a shelf in my home and rotate them each season.  Here’s my Winter print:

And for Spring:

This Spring print is a little worse for wear, but I still love it.

This one is wonderful for late Spring.

And for Summer… a few goats or


Come Fall, I can’t wait to put up this little squirrel and nuts.

Now what to do, what to do with these little treasures?

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7 Responses to “1940’s Prints”

  • Katy:

    they would make wonderful fabric panels if you were able to scan them in to your computer and print them onto fabric. I can see a gorgeous little cot quilt made with them and some sweet floral prints.

  • I agree with Katy. Transfer them to fabric and let them play together!

  • beth:

    I have a book of beautiful prints from my grandmother too and haven’t done anything with them either…. still thinking.

  • Yeah, I think all together in a quilt would be wonderful, but I also like the paintings. If they’re all the same size, then I would just buy one nice frame and trade them out with each season. They’re adorable and that’s the kind of stuff I would have chosen too. I chose an old quilt when my grandmother passed away. It’s nothing to die over, but it’s really special and a wonderful quilt to add to my collection!

  • I would do both – a quilt and to display them all at once and then one frame and trade them out. My mother-in-law got an old vintage santa printed onto fabric at BYU and said it was really cheap to do it. Her vintage Christmas quilts is one of my favorites!

  • They are darling. Just sweet sweet images.

  • Kim:

    I think what you are already doing with your wonderful prints is exactly right! This way they are new to you over and over again!

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