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Posts Tagged ‘children’

Four aprons…

Lily, Emma, Kit and Ruthie

Lily, Emma, Kit and Ruthie

I admit it, I am in love American Girl Dolls.  If they had been around when I was a kid, I would have been in seventh heaven.  Luckily for me, Lily and Emma love them too.  Kit Kittredge and Ruthie Smithens are American Girls from the 1930’s.  Their stories teach resourcefulness, determination, and hard work.  When Kit’s dad loses his job during the Depression, her family finds many ways to “Make Do.”  The dolls are so darling and fun to play with, my girls don’t even know they are learning valuable life lessons in the process.  The only trouble with American Girls is they aren’t exactly cheap.  And their clothes aren’t exactly cheap either.

A few weeks ago when we were having dinner with my husband’s Aunt Jeri and Uncle Bruce, Jeri mentioned that she used to sew outfits for her granddaughter’s American Girl dolls.  What a great “make it do” idea!  I found this apron pattern… Little Retro Aprons for Kids and got sewing.  I finished the matching aprons for the girls and their dolls just in time for their 7th birthday.  The moda fabrics for the aprons -Sweet by Urban Chicks has a “sweet” vintage feel.  And, of course, I am happy anytime my sewing project includes rickrack.

Kit shows off her new apron

Kit shows off her new apron

Here is a quick tutorial on how to use rickrack on your next sewing project….

1.  When sewing the rickrack on the aprons, I first ran a zigzag stitch along the edge of the fabric.

Pinning rickrack

2. Then pin the rick to the right side of fabric.  Make sure that the middle of the rickrack is past the inside edge of the zigzag stitch otherwise it will show when you do the last step.

Stitching rickrack to fabric

3. Using a straight stitch, sew down the middle of the rickrack, erring a bit to the side closest to the edge of the fabric.


4. Press the inside edge of the rickrack out to make a ruffle (folding the outside edge toward the wrong side of fabric.)

5. Then stitch just inside the edge of the fabric to secure the rickrack hem in place.  It’s easy and very cute.

Just in case you didn’t get enough of the finished aprons and the girls… I really dig having twin girls!img_04631


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