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Archive for the ‘my favorite things’ Category

Projects in Progress

I’ve got lots of projects in the works….

But nothing yet to show.

I’ve finished one of my fingerless mittens…  holding my breath that I don’t run out of yarn before the other is finished.  I started the project on a whim using a slightly used skein from my stash.  As my ball of yarn shrinks, I’ve begun to worry there won’t be enough to finish the second mitten…

If it’s not… well… I bought the yarn over 8 years ago, finding a match is out of the question.  I will just have to make it do and find something funky to fill in the rest.  When I wear them, they will serve as a reminder to look before I leap.

My girl’s have 4 performances for dance this week.  That means lots of time for me to sit at the theater… translation:

  • I’ll finish my mittens.
  • Have some time to read my book, which I am loving.
  • Hopefully start and finish a new embroidered dishtowel for my kitchen.

I’m trying hard to finish the design and get it ready to start stitching before tomorrow.  I knew I was going to love my one little word.  It’s inspiration is already showing up in my projects… the dishtowel design for one.


I’ve also picked up an inexpensive cork board for my new linen pinboard for my kitchen.. now to find a great deal on a yard of lovely linen fabric.

I’m still hunting for inspiration on a calendar for the board.  It will be in a very conspicuous spot in my kitchen… so I need to love it.  But it needs to be FUNCTIONAL too, with lots of room to write our schedule.  I want it to be simple… not too frilly.  Any ideas?

My home is front and center this month.  I am abuzz with ideas for home improvement and decorating.

I’m going to start focusing on one area of my home a month, sharing ideas and solutions for that room.  I’m also going to get back to sharing mending tips.  I have a basket of mending projects that need my help.  Hopefully sharing my solutions will be helpful to you too.

Knitting with Mr. Darcy

This past weekend my husband went skiing with my son.  Last weekend I pulled a muscle skiing and figured I better take it easy until it’s all better.

Since the boys in our family like to ski off cliffs and the girls love the groomers, the girls opted to stay home with me.

“What would you like to do today?”  I asked.

“Can we watch Pride and Prejudice and knit?”

Oh my goodness!

I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

After getting some exercise by going snowshoeing and the required a cup of hot chocolate after, we girls got out our knitting and turned on a cozy fire.

First the girls had a debate about which movie version to watch.

I was highly amused to sit back and listen to their musings.  “I like the big sister better in the new movie (the Keira Knightley version).”  “I like Mr. Darcy better in the long movie lots better…”

In the end we watched the longer BBC version of Pride and Prejudice .  My girls decided it was the better of the two movies…  and I couldn’t agree more.

Since I haven’t knitted in a long time, other than helping my girls to learn, I decided to start a project with yarn I had in my stash.

Image via Martha Stewart

I’ve been wanting some of these for a while.  They are the perfect thing to keep my hands warm when I am at the sewing machine or on the computer.  I happened across the free pattern from Martha Stewart.

Most of my time was spent picking up dropped stitches and otherwise helping my girls with their scarves, so I didn’t get super far.  Plus, I’m really rusty.  But for all that, I can tell this is going to be a fast and easy project.  I forgot how much I love knitting.  It’s not often I make something for myself and I can’t wait to finish them.

It goes to show, it doesn’t take much to make a perfect weekend.


While I’m thinking about Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, have you seen The King’s Speech?

I saw it last week and absolutely loved it.  It stars none other than Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) as the lead character.  It was a surprise to realize that Elizabeth Bennett (Elizabeth Ehle) was also in the movie playing a minor role.  The scene when the two of them meet was enchanting.


Virtual Quilting Bee