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Archive for the ‘my favorite things’ Category

Lucky Day

Hurray for fun packages in the mail!

I could hardly believe when last week I when I dropped by one of my favorite blogs, nanaCompany, and saw my name.

In the sweetest graphic, it read “Congratulations Calli”.

How fun is it to win a giveaway!  And to get packages in the mail.

It’s even better when it’s a sweet handmade gift from Amy.

Her little envelope/house is perfect hanging in my kitchen.

I also won a fat quarter bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop, Rosebud Petal by Tanya Whelan from Free Spirit.

The line is so pretty and low volume.  I can’t wait to use it.

There was also a fun bundle of Marble Cosmo Thread by Lecien, which I know will make it’s way into many a project.

I’ve had quite a nanaCompany week, since I made a copy of her little hexie pincushion.

And I’ve slowly been working on her “Be Joyful” embroidery pattern.  It’s been my companion at soccer games this spring.  But as you can see it’s been an exciting season.  I’ve hardly gotten anywhere at all.  I even stabbed myself in the hand with my needle once, celebrating a great play. Ouch.

My girls and I are looking forward to our early mornings on the porch swing this summer, where my embroidery has a better (and safer) chance of getting finished.

Home Again

We spent a long weekend camping near beautiful Capital Reef National Park.

Oh, how I love my home state of Utah.

We stayed in one of our favorite cool, high-mountain, pine-shaded campgrounds.  It was out of the heat and perfect for relaxing.

My sweet husband got to try out a nap in the hammock we gave him for Father’s Day. It was quite relaxing, right until he was invaded by a couple of 10 year olds.

We hiked through the beautiful, but hot desert to an oasis waterfall…

and cooled off by having a wonderful swim.

We saw beautiful red rock cliffs and amazing petroglyphs.

But no matter how much I love to explore, there is nothing quite so nice as coming home.

Even when home means a mountain of red dirt stained, fishy, dirty laundry.


Virtual Quilting Bee