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Archive for January, 2012

Q-tip Tip: Cleaning Picture Frames

I’ve been trying to deep clean this month.  Nothing feels better than making a room really shine.

As I go through each room, I’ve been dusting thoroughly, including my picture frames.

They say that half the battle of any cleaning job is using the right tool.  And nothing works better at getting into the crevices of my frames than a Q-tip.

I’ve found that if I slightly dampen my Q-tip with a little window cleaner or my favorite furniture polish, it picks up dust better.  That’s my cute husband in the photo, fishing on the banks of the Madison River.  I love that photo.

This week I finally picked up a package of Precision Q-tips at the grocery store.  And I must say, they are pretty darn cool.  They are even better for cleaning intricate things than a regular Q-tip since the point can really get into small places.

Just another Q-tip tip, be sure to join Q-tips on Facebook and share your tips as part of the Tip-A-Thon and you could win a $100 weekly gift card or the grand prize, a $1,000 gift card and a year’s supply of Q-tips.

Disclosure: I’m a Tipster ambassador and this is a sponsored post by Q-tip.  All opinions and ideas are my own.

Fabric Love and Other Things

My New Year’s Resolution:  Don’t buy fabric unless I KNOW what I’m using for and how much I’ll need.  It hasn’t taken long, and I’ve kind of broken that resolution already.

I stole a piece of this floral fabric (Karen Snyder from Timeless Treasures) from my mom last month for a few projects.  I loved it so much that when I spotted it at Material Girls Quilts during a sale, I snapped it up.  I just had to pick up the tiny polka dot (Bonnie and Camille from Moda) and what might be the world’s most perfect red gingham (Lecein- I think) to go with it. (I should really pick up more of the gingham since it could make it’s way into many, many projects.)

I picked up these Civil War Fabrics yesterday at American Quilting and they are for a quilt I’m working on now.   I also can’t get over the idea that I should make a Civil War quilt, this being the 150th Anniversary.  If I settle on something, I’m pretty sure there will be enough for these fabrics to make their way in to that quilt too.

Yes, I did.  I bought wood grain fabric.  It’s for either the world’s worst project idea or something really funny and good.  I’ll be sure to let you know.

I also FINALLY bought an organizer box for my embroidery floss.  It arrived on my doorstep this week and my girls have been wrapping and wrapping.  I realized I really don’t have that much floss.  It just feels like a lot when it’s a mess.

And here’s my potato chip scarf in progress.  I’ve only been able to knit a few rows here and there, so it’s taking longer than it should.  On the bright side, I get to go the DMV this week, so there might even be hope of finishing it this week after all.


Virtual Quilting Bee