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Canning Day Quilt

Archive for September, 2009

If at first you don't succeed… Canning Salsa


Last year I canned salsa for the first time.  I didn’t have a good recipe, so I looked online.  There were hundreds of recipes to choose from and  I felt a bit daunted.  My husband loves salsa and is very picky about what he likes.  He likes it flavorful and spicy (me too, though not as spicy as him.)

I finally found a salsa recipe that looked promising, and called the Utah State Extension Service for the canning guidelines.  The well informed woman I spoke with at the service cautioned me against using an unapproved recipe.  I needed a recipe, she explained, that had been PH tested and had been approved as safe for canning.  She directed me to either recipes from the Extension Service or the Ball Blue Book.  After looking over the recipes, I choose the Zesty Salsa from Ball.

Making salsa is a lot of work.  I spent what seemed like hours chopping cups of tomatoes, onions, and tons of peppers.  When I added the cider vinegar to the salsa, I was a bit worried.  It smelled awful, but that’s what the recipe called for.  When the salsa was done it looked absolutely beautiful, and I was excited to have 8 pint jars to enjoy throughout the year.

I couldn’t wait to taste it.  I opened the can and got another whiff of cider vinegar.  Hum.  My husband and I scooped a big scoop on our tortilla chips. It was AWFUL!  It tasted just like vinegar.

This is where I wish we had a Cooks Illustrated for canning.  I wish there was someone testing lots of recipes and feeding it to picky testers.

But in cooking, sewing, gardening and canning there are always failures.  There are things that don’t work out the way you want them to.  The trick is to learn from the mistake and move on.

I was determined to make good canned salsa this year, but my garden was running out of peppers and tomatoes.  (Perfect excuse not to try again?)


That’s when Sharon, a friend and blog reader, from American Quilting showed up at my front door with a box of lovely tomatoes and peppers.  It was time to get back on the horse.

I ended up making the Zesty Salsa again, but this time I substituted the vinegar for lemon and lime juice.  I also made it spicier for my husband, since Sharon had brought some habaneros.

I am happy to say, I am much happier with the results.  It is not the perfect salsa…. but definitely good.  And that’s a big improvement over last year.

Thank you Sharon and if anyone else has a fantastic Salsa recipe I would love to see it!

Looking for Inspiration


I am always looking for ideas for new projects.  One place I love to check out is Anthropologie.  Their products are usually quite expensive… but many of their products have a homemade quality about them that make them perfect for making at home… like this darling dishtowel above.  I took one look and thought, “I could make that.”  I love the embroidery and the wonderful lace.

I started playing with a design using my favorite squirrel template from the Long Thread that I used on Lily’s school bag.  And in the end I think I will making it an applique like the bag instead of an embroidery.

I’d like to make several of these.  One for me and one for a friend.  Hopefully I will have time to finish a towel today and share it on Thursday.  There is never enough time to sew!


I also ran across this old drawing the other day and fell in love.  I am working on making it into an embroidery… I think it should be a Brownwork (meaning using only one color of brown thread.)

I can’t decide, should it be made into a pillow with pom poms?  Or a Halloween kitchen towel, or framed on the wall?   I also can’t decide whether to leave the little bird out of the picture.  If I take it out will it look funny if the owl is staring avidly at nothing?

The other thing I am wondering about this week is… is it too early to put up my Halloween decorations?  I love this time of year and can hardly wait for Halloween.

And speaking of Halloween:


Martha Stewart always has new and wonderful ideas for Halloween decorating.  I love these glowing ghosts.  It’s amazing how many good ideas there are out there.


Virtual Quilting Bee